I've recently come to realize that not having a job has been one of the hardest things I've ever had to deal with. Since I was sixteen, I've never gone longer than two weeks between jobs and, at times, I worked up to three jobs at once (in addition to a full course load in college). Needless to say...I like to work!!! My work life has always come very easy to me and not having something to get up for every day has been really tough. Luckily, I was raised as a Christian and I believe in God so I know that there is a reason for everything...I can't imagine not having that knowledge and comfort to see me through!!
Aside from that knowledge, one of my biggest motivators has always been music and that has never been more true over these past few months. Here are a few of the bands I can't live without lately (of course, these are just a few of the many)!!!
Kings of Leon
Nouvelle Vague
Zero 7
Armin Van Burren (this isn't the album cover but I really like this photo!)
Emiliana Torrini
So I want to know, What's Your Motivation!!! Leave me a comment...I love feedback!
Tuesday, March 3, 2009
What's Your Motivation??
Saturday, February 14, 2009
Nouvelle Vague
I am in love with this "band" and thought this video was quite interesting. Check out Nouvelle Vague...you might recognize some (or most) of their songs...
Thursday, January 29, 2009
Handmade Chicago Market
I thought I'd post some photos of the Handmade Chicago show that I recently did! It was held in a fun little bar on Western called the Empty Bottle where the walls are plastered in indie band posters and the bathrooms are swathed in "colorful" graffiti. I had a great time and met some fun people selling everything from beer cozies to knitwear. I used my new earring and bracelet displays which were a huge hit and, which I must say, I'm quite proud of!!
The set up.
The new earring and bracelet displays!
Friday, January 23, 2009
Friday Flickr Find
So, I havent' done one of these in a very long time. I haven't been feeling very inspired lately but I woke up this morning in a creative mood and decided what better way to channel it than with a good old Friday Flickr Find!?!
Today's subject is snow!! We've been blanketed here in the midwest too many times to count this winter and I've lost track of the number of times I've had to dig my car out of a ridiculous snow drift! Don't get me wrong, I'm one of those weird types that love the snow; skiing, sledding, building forts, throwing snowballs, making snow angels...I love the stuff! My favorite thing to do is take a walk during a nightime snowfall...the world seems to become an ethereal snowglobe and everything looks just a little bit brighter and almost magical. I thought these photos captured the best part of snow, fresh and unmarred by plows, cars and the general business of life as usual. Enjoy!!!
Thursday, December 11, 2008
Thank You!!
So, even though the show this past weekend was kind of slow...one of my mom's "stitchy friends" (as my dad likes to call them) purchased some items and was kind enough to post about them on her blog!!! I just wanted to say thank you to Marjorie for stopping by and for her kind words! She is quite the talented stitcher herself...be sure to check out her blog Moonsilk Stitches! She took a great photo of the purchases she made...love it!!
Friday, December 5, 2008
Christmas Fantasy of Gifts!
Okay, it's been quite a while since I've blogged and today I want to change that! This weekend, I will be participating in the annual Christmas Bazaar at the grade school that I attended...I'm both excited and a little nervous just for the fact that I'm not sure who I'm going to run into ;). So, if you're in the south suburbs of Chicago, stop by and see us!! Here is a link to the school's website and here is a picture of the little school where I spent my formative years!!
Hope to see some of you there!!
Thursday, October 9, 2008
Handmade Chicago
I wanted to let everyone know that I will be at the Handmade Chicago show this Saturday at The Empty Bottle on Western!! I've got some new pieces and a new setup that I'm trying out! I'm really excited and I hope to see some familiar faces there ;)
Friday, October 3, 2008
Friday Flickr Find
So I will be attending a wedding this weekend and that's the only thing that's been on my mind this whole past week...getting ready takes a lot of work (even if you're just attending!). I thought I'd do this week's Friday Flickr Find on weddings...I hope to have a great time at this one!
Have a great weekend!!!
Friday, September 26, 2008
Friday Flickr Find...
So our family has been all about puppies for the last month after my parents got a new golden retriever puppy named Jake! He's just the cutest little thing (see his picture here) and I thought I'd look at other pictures of doggies for this week's Friday Flickr Find. I just want to hug 'em all!!!
Thanks for the great comments this week and have a fabulous weekend everyone!